2011 (4)

Sunday, 31 July 2016 22:31

Speaking vs thinking

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Many times I was thinking about speech as genetically fixed property of humans: how it can be harmful in its fixation, how it can be an obstacle to the subsequent development up to the present. The thinking is non-sequential as we observe. Whether it is simultaneous, I do not know - at least it is not surely parallel on the level of consciousness - but certainly it is not linear. Obviously the internal voice makes it linear for a short time and then it slows down the thinking as well. It may be, of course, that there are simultaneous thoughts meanwhile. Indeed, surely there are. What makes the thinking a simultaneous process, apart from ideas of Jung's collective subconsciousness, and…
Sunday, 31 July 2016 22:29

Space-time and the infinite

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Infinite time is displayed as space The link between two-element numbers and infinite numbers is similar to the relationship between space and time. Due to Einstein's relativity theory we have already known that space and time are very closely linked. The four-vector defined by the three spatial coordinates complemented by time is also called the Lorentz vector because the scalar product of two such vectors is invariant under Lorentz transformations. In this way, the vector length, or more professionally ‘norm’ is invariant under it. Since the Lorentz transformation is what we must use if we want to convert description of a movement in inertial reference frame to description in an other inertial reference frame, it is clear that the hyperbolic…
I have long been interested in the process of turning money into information. If we look at the history of money, we will see a slow dematerialization. Nowadays money is mostly just pure information as it is present as data in the bank account, or data of money-transfer via the Internet, or when we purchase something with credit card. I see the cause of the current economic crisis in this process, more precisely in the appearance of money as information. One of the basic properties of information is that it can be copied: it remains in its original location, and it also appears in the new location (at least on macro-level). Thus, unlike the existing material, information comes into being…
Content:building by destroying,complexity increase, entropy changes, the mathematics of networks, "material" theory of the information