2021 (2)

“Is there anything we can know for certain? With a certainty that admit not even the shadow of a doubt?” /Leszek Kolakowski, God, the World and our Minds: how can we achieve certainty? – RENÉ DESCARTES/1 I just found on YouTube the lecture2 given by Vilmos Csányi four years ago entitled "Behold, the man", and I am reading his book of the same title. The idea that "certainty always comes from the functioning of the community" permeates everything Csányi says, and this is what inspired me to write. In this expression, the ethologist refers to the fact that the mental image of individual experience, of personal experience, is conveyed to others through language, but only after a community trial does…
Last modified on Wednesday, 24 May 2023 11:14
Comments on ÉS’s article1 "Tell me what books you've read several times, I'll tell you who you are", István Vörös wrote, which is obviously an exaggeration, but it can really tell a lot about anybody which books you like to dive into reading several times. ________________________ 1 ÉS is the abbreviation of “Élet és Irodalom”, which is a literary and political weekly. (“Élet és Irodalom” is in English "Life and Literature"); https://www.es.hu/cikk/2021-03-26/voros-istvan/az-ujraolvasas-bajos-bune.html After registration, you may ask for a translation of the full text by email.
Last modified on Wednesday, 24 May 2023 11:13