Sunday, 31 July 2016 22:26

The role of money-information in the economic crisis

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I have long been interested in the process of turning money into information. If we look at the history of money, we will see a slow dematerialization. Nowadays money is mostly just pure information as it is present as data in the bank account, or data of money-transfer via the Internet, or when we purchase something with credit card.

I see the cause of the current economic crisis in this process, more precisely in the appearance of money as information. One of the basic properties of information is that it can be copied: it remains in its original location, and it also appears in the new location (at least on macro-level). Thus, unlike the existing material, information comes into being continuously, the source equation of information is not even equal to zero. I saw an example where in the mathematical model of the operation of a bank, the source equation of information was made wrongly equal to zero. (I wrote about this in the writing of "On the evolutionary changes, and their mathematical interpretations", page 6, footnote 18.)


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Read 494 times Last modified on Monday, 08 August 2016 15:44
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